1. I think it's pretty crazy that this is the 50th anniversary of JFK's death. I've been enjoying, if you can call it that, all the coverage of his life and that day. My parents remember it well. They were the true Camelot Generation. So much is heartbreaking about that story, and yet so much of what we feel about Kennedy may not be the same if he hadn't died. It's a lot to think about. Changed a generation. Changed our world.
2. I think, to change subjects quite completely, that this November has felt much like a September in terms of headaches for me. I've been waking up between 4-4:30 each morning with one and having to work hard to get rid of them. Yesterday, my busiest day of the week, was no bueno. So I'm not happy.
3. I think you probably know me well enough by now to know that I'd sooner turn to a Buddhist teaching than a Biblical passage for guidance, but this one from Proverbs (15.1) has been getting me through some tough stuff lately: A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
4. I think I'm super happy that I finally broke down and got an Olloclip for my phone. Putting it on there and taking pictures has been that same unfettered fun that I get from the Lensbaby. Fisheye photos have never completely been my fave, but I can see its appeal, and the wide angle and macro are great fun. I'll try not to flood your instagrams as I get the hang of this thing.
5. I think I'm pretty pleased with how this week's Thursday Morning Photgroup Prompt of "Corner" turned out. Seriously? I could fill a book with photos of our beagle Lucy looking around corners. My very first blog header years and years and years ago was a photo of her peering around a corner into our family room (taken with a point and shoot!), so this seemed fitting and felt right. Silly girl.