five things, december 6


1. I think it's so remarkable to have traveled in the span of just a few days from New England where the trees are completely bare and the streets swept clean of leaves back home to the coastal south where even in December, fall keeps kicking.

2. I think, among the more material, 14-year-old appropriate things that he's considering for Christmas, what Cal really wants is a jar of sand from Nantucket. Who can blame him?

3. I think one of my favorite Nelson Mandela quotes comes from his 1994 biography, Long Walk to Freedom. "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."

4. I think I love the idea of celebrating St. Nicholas Day. The inspiration for Santa Claus or Father Christmas, St. Nicholas was known as a giver of gifts and a man who cared for the poor. Noreen shares a sweet photo in preparation for celebrating the day. We should be emulating people like St. Nicholas more, not less, don't you think? Happy St. Nicholas Day!

5. I think that Annie's post and this link she sent me has me day dreaming about a London Christmas like nobody's business. We often talk of slipping away to some European city for the Christmas holiday. Would you do it? Would you leave hearth and home? Where would you go?

winds-day {still + life}


You guys probably heard about or experienced that big storm that traveled across the country during Thanksgiving week. I'll have more to say about it because it really colored our experience during our trip, but the bulk of the storm hit the island the day before Thanksgiving. We took some time that afternoon to travel to a couple beaches and check out the wind.

At Cisco Beach, on the southern end of the island, we hopped out and faced the strongest winds of the day. Once out of the car, everyone jumped down a small bluff to the shoreline. The kids stayed up top for a bit, playing in the wind. It truly was one of those that you could lean your whole body into and be held up. Vibrant and alive, a joy to experience.

I took a quick video, and while the quality is meh, it gives you a sense of what things were like that day.

How's that for some crazy wind?