It's Callum


Hi, it's me again. Callum. Lucy and I like to play together a lot. She likes my Xbox, but today I'm going to give her an ice cube instead. We call them ghosts. That's because they disappear. I am doing a slide show of giving Lucy a ghost.


The freezer is where we have the ghosts. We have tons of them, but I am just going to give her one today.


Those white things are the ghosts.


Here I am reaching for a ghost. It feels cold and like it will stick to your fingers.


Okay, this is the ghost and I'm getting ready to throw it to Lucy.


Even though she looks confused, she likes ghosts. She doesn't know what I'm going to throw to her.


The ghost is the blur, and Lucy closes her eyes because it goes past her so fast. She bolts for it and starts chewing on it before it disappears. I won't see you for a long time or I might see you on the weekends because school is starting for me on Tuesday.

Bye! I hope I see you again. Love Callum. (love Lucy too.)