it's electric
I think I've enjoyed no one more in this process than our electrician, Graham. He was lovely. He probably wouldn't like it that I've called him lovely, but I quite like him. At one point I said to Neel, "He's my kind of guy," and Callum took great umbrage at that. "So's Papa," he said hotly. Well, duh. But Neel knew what I meant.
The place is in a midden again, but not due to him. He powered through the electrical rough in of the new hallway, and it was fascinating to watch him figure things out. He spent his evenings here and most of a rainy Sunday where I kept the Redskins game on so he could listen (poor sap) while he worked.
the house. Where little dogs fear to tread.
I don't know what part Callum enjoyed more: pulling up the wires through the hole in the floor or talking to the man under the house through that same hole. Whatever. We have boxes for outlets and switches and dimmers and I'm looking around for more for him to do.