oh yeah, and easter
Let's bring those guys in for their close-up, shall we?
The kids hunted for eggs, here's Callum, finding his special Chick. It was hidden particularly high. After that there was some corn hole and burning of leaves with magnifying glasses (an Easter tradition in some parts, I'm told.)
There were cheese and crackers, asparagus wrapped with prosciutto, rum and tonics, oh and then we ate.
I love the look of a newly laid table, waiting for dinner.
But any holiday is about the food, and this was no exception. Honey-baked ham, of course, pineapple casserole, potato and leek gratin, sweet potato souffle (did not fall) and carrot bake (must. have. recipe.). Let's face it, aside from the ham, all pureed. Nursing home food. Not much more satisfying than that.
After dinner we had to take a walk, but chairs and quiet corners beckoned. More conversation over yet more wine and a little bit of cake. Sometimes family comes from who is around you, and here, this day, is where I found mine.