spring wedding

IMG_3751 SOBO hoofed it north to Williamsburg for the wedding of one of our own this past weekend.  I'm sure inviting a local tv weatherman didn't hurt, but it was the perfect spring weekend for some nuptials.

IMG_3750 Location wasn't half bad either.  I sometimes look back on events like this wishing I had taken so many more pictures.  Pictures of the chapel, which was stunning and intimate and filled with afternoon light.  Pictures of the room where we had refreshments before the reception, pictures of the house where they held the reception.  But that's why people hire actual photographers.  I get to be just a guest.

IMG_3741 Jean and I joked about grabbing a couple of tri-corner hats to wear to the ceremony, and wouldn't you know a whole quartet of fife and drummers announced the bride and groom and led us in procession to the reception.  I'm sure you can see a couple of bridesmaids.  Can you spot Neel and Callum too?





IMG_3764 It was the perfect night for a garden wedding reception.  Wonderful food (Holy moly there was even a taco bar, how cool is that?! Definitely Callum's favorite part of the night, and probably Neel's too.) and the sounds of happiness and laughter mingling with the music from the band.

IMG_3779 This tender morsel was my favorite bite of the night, who can pass up a ham biscuit?  And Jean and I shared that delectable concoction.  Called a cosmo, but we know better.  It was delicious nonetheless.

IMG_3759 The cake looked delectable. 

IMG_3760 The bride, in a reflective moment, was stunning.

IMG_3769  And joyous while dancing with her father.

IMG_3787 My own young man was very grown up.

IMG_3789 And our dance was the highlight of my day.

IMG_3738 Rebecca and Evans, this was your day.  May your lives be filled with all the joy you felt on it.