whine, whine, whine

IMG_0247 This weekend was the annual wine tasting at my friend Catherine's church. We look forward to this get-together every year, a glimmer of fun in deepest, darkest February. They always feature Virginia wineries, and this year's guest was Rosemont Vineyard. Of all the years we've been, this is my favorite vineyard. The owner told a wonderful story about how he was jogging along on the treadmill of life, not feeling inspired and with his health showing the effects of his hard work. He woke one day, knowing that he didn't want to live like this anymore, so he came home to his family's estate. He walked the land, and slept in late, and one day decided that he needed to come home permanently and open a vineyard. That was only three years ago. His son now works with them as the vintner and they're winning awards all over the place. Cool story, huh? Makes me think we need a 15 year plan. That's gonna be a tricky one for Neel, I think.

IMG_0265 We were a table of twelve and everyone brought munchies and delectable treats to nibble on. In fact, I think we were nibbling on nibbles, right Catherine?

IMG_0282 And then the wine! Pretty good stuff too. We had generous pourers, and by the time we got to tasting number 12, everyone was chatty and happy and much warmer than the cold air outside.