five things, march 18 edition
1. I think it's pretty funny that last night we had Indian food for dinner, thus meshing the two sides of my husband's not-so disparate heritage. He's half Indian and half Irish. His mother, an Irish lass, is pictured on the right. Wasn't she beautiful?
2. I think I wouldn't mind if someone got this for me.
3. I think work is a blessing.
4. I think I am often moved and surprised by my son, and I shouldn't be. This week I was exceedingly proud when, unprompted, he suggested we send lovingkindness to Japan in the wake of the terrible disasters that have befallen that country. May they be filled with lovingkindness. May they be well. May they be peaceful and at ease. May they be happy.
5. I can't quite believe that by the end of next month I'll be able to say that my work, however humble, has shown at The Contemporary Art Center of Virginia.