five things, july 27 edition

1. I think it's been so nice to see Cal playing baseball again this week. He's been at a half-day camp (thank God for the half-day part because it's been so hot) down the street from our house, and while I think he's among the oldest and tallest of the kids there, I know it's been both fun and good for him to be on the field. If you are a parent who has a child playing sports, or who may play sports or even if you're around kids playing sports, I encourage you to go read this post at Life by Andrea Victoria. Read the post she links to as well. We do pretty well at this in general, but we could all use a reminder.

2. I think know I'm so happy and proud of my ladies at Simply Selma's for the launch of their new web site. I can't say enough about these gals, can I? Well, next week I'll say more.

3. I think I should probably say something about the two news events that have dominated our week here in the U.S. First the horrible shootings in Aurora, Colorado. Really, I have no words. It was an unspeakable tragedy. Twelve people are dead. Twenty still hospitalized. We send them all lovingkindness every single night. To each and every one. I think a lot about the shooter's parents too. Did any of you see this article? There is not one bit of good for anyone in this situation, and while I hate to get political, I have to agree with whoever said that they don't understand it when as a nation our first reaction to an event such as this is to ban costumes and not assualt weapons.

The other dominant story, at least from the sports world, is that surrounding the child sexual abuse scandal at Penn State Univeristy. Honestly? Don't get me started. Neel got his PhD from Penn State, and although we never lived there and only went to the actual university itself twice (Neel did his studies at a medical center about 2 hours away from State College, PA), it's a degree he's justifiably proud of. So here's what I think (and if you don't know of this story, please skip ahead). The statue should have come down. The school should have been sanctioned, although I truly regret the impact on the current players and coaches and I wonder at the lack of mention of the men truly involved in the cover up. This must be heartbreaking for the Paterno family, however Joe Paterno didn't talk when he should have, and perhaps they should consider "no comment," now. Finally, I have nevereverever EVER pulled for Penn State football. It goes against my very nature, really. But I am completely and totally impressed with their new head coach, so I'll be pulling for them to do well now.

4. I think I'm still in need of a jump start and some general inspiration. Do you think keeping a notebook would help? I have bits of pieces of paper everywhere, but I always think that the perfect (beautiful) notebook will make me, oh just a better person in general. Anybody have any suggestions?

5. I think I'm looking forward to our time visiting family and friends in Atlanta. The dogs were not happy to see the suitcases come out, but they, along with some friends, are holding down the fort at home. Nearly every single member of Neel's family lives in Atlanta now (we're the outliers!) and we have good friends here as well, so it will be a full, fun weekend. I anticipate I'll have lots to report come Monday and next week. What is everyone else up to? Have a great weekend, ya'll. xo