monday mash up

We had a great weekend. Really productive. The kind that makes you feel like you sorta missed the weekend. Know what I mean? I think for now, I'm going to follow the suit of some of my favorite bloggers (like here) and do a Monday Mash-Up. This collage is all Instagram; man I'm working hard here trying to maximize that tool. My iPhone is dying though. Right Neel? Right???? Anyhoo, Callum got to hang out with an friend from his old school (and Tracy, I had my camera, why didn't I take pictures of the boys? Next time!), we got lots of Christmas shopping done, I had Pho for the first time (hello Pho, where have you been all my life?), we got our tree and had Cheesesteak Night on Friday night. Neel's been telling me for years that it's all in the bread for cheesesteaks, and it turns out, he's right. I haven't looked at my photos yet of that evening, but I imagine I'll have more to report on that later this week.

So I think I will disable comments on the {still} posts, and I think I will do this weekend recap on Mondays. It's fun! What were you guys up to this weekend? I have a lot to do and a work deadline on Thursday, but I think it's going to be a good week.