five things, june 29 edition


1. I think I can't quite believe that we're lucky enough to spend the next five days in this lovely space. If you follow me on twitter or instagram (go and follow me, I can be witty sometimes), you might have guessed that we took a little trip. Cal and I are off on an adventure to spend some time with some dear, dear friends of ours in Southern California. Cal and the kids of this family are like a pack of cousins. They never missed a beat. I can't tell you how good that did my heart. And the grown ups? Well, we all like each other too.

2. I think I can officially call myself an overpacker. How do you feel about packing? Over or under? Are you ashamed of me now or do you get where I'm coming from?

3. I think I'm also an overplanner. I'm trying not to be on this trip. I told my friend Debbie (it's her pool you had Cal swimming in this photo) that I'm trying to go with the flow this time people, but I'm white knuckling it as I do.

4. I think I can promise lots of photos for you and some great stories, and I think if I get to meet a couple of my favorite bloggers along the way (ladies, I'm looking at you and you), it'll be a highlight of the trip.

5. I think no matter how many years we live away from here (and it's been nearly a decade now) and no matter how much I've come to love where we do live, I'll always miss California.