weekend recap, november 18
1. out of coffee! | 2. twilight on the river | 3. breakfast | 4. voting day (again) | 5. surprise sunset | 6. foggy morning | 7. goose walk | 8. on guard | 9. shandy sunday night
It was not an auspicious start to the weekend when we were OUT OF COFFEE on Friday morning. Sadly, we'd known this the day before and both of us still forgot until I heard Neel's tread on the stair in the dark hours of Friday. That's when the dread filled my heart.
Good man that he is, he took the fastest shower ever and dashed out to our corner coffee shop to grab us all a cup and all was right with the world. (However, photo #3 is evidence that we did nothing to rectify the situation and had to go out again on Saturday morning! Oops!)
And you know what, other than that, I don't have a ton to report. Long walks along our river, a long sit by a fire pit with some friends. We had our special election on Saturday, and it didn't go well for our friend. I'm mad about this for too many reasons to numerate, so I'll stop here. Let's just say, she's a better woman than I am.
Poor Cal had a migraine yesterday, and although we're not getting hammered by the storms that millions faced yesterday, we're having our own move through today. More headaches for everyone! Still, I feel remotely ready to face the week. We rented The Royal Tenenbaums and never got to watch it, maybe I'll do that while I tackle the ironing...