weekend recap, august 12
1. Morning Walk | 2. Brainstorming Session | 3. Cal's Choice for dinner | 4. Beach life | 5. Exciting autumn ahead | 6. Harvest | 7. Slow-paddle Sunday | 8. Portgage lessons | 9. My river | 10. Big Storm | 11. Sampling BSE | 12. Sunday morning cherries | 13. Morning paddle | 15. I guess we're in the market for a canoe | 16. Hardware | 17. Summer storm | 18. Sun Storm | 19. Happy together
We did better this weekend, I think. Starting Friday with a morning walk along the water with my friend Catherine. These walks along the water are always what I need, and that morning, walking with Catherine was just exactly what I needed. Where would we be without our dear friends? A productive meeting (more on that to come in the coming weeks) followed by a clean(ed) house and some BBQ wings at our favorite joint. Isn't that what Fridays are meant to be all about?
One of the benefits of joining the university gym is that they have outdoor sports rentals. We ran out of time last weekend to try this out, but as soon as the groceries were put away in the fridge on Saturday, we booked ourselves down there and rented a canoe so we could get our butts on the water. I have a lot more to say about how much fun and special this was (I'm saving it all up for tomorrow.), but let me say this much now. Being on the water, even just near it, is balm to my soul.
These are things I need to pay attention to.
We had some crazy storms this weekend too, which are also thrilling to me, although Saturday's storm was more crazy/scary than thrilling. Lightening so close and powerful that the air sizzled.
A planed dinner trip to the beach (now you can see why the chairs are staying in my car) was rained out, but Cal is happy regardless. His best buds, who've been out of town for the week, are home again. As I type this, they're upstairs throwing darts while the thunder is rumbling in the distance. Isn't that what Sunday evenings are meant to be all about?