perception collection, round three

Woo-hoo! We're back! #perception_collection, the 14-day Instagram photo challenge concocted by Christine at @plumedpdx and me is back for Round Three! She's been sick, and I've been sad and sick, so what better way to perk us all up during this glorious fall?

Whenever people ask me about #perception_collection, I always say this: no rules, only fun. It's pretty easy, really. Each day has a photo prompt, so post your photo to Instagram and use the hashtags #perception_collection as well as that day's photo prompt. This time, we hope we've come up with some prompts that challenge your photography chops and really get you thinking. (And one of us will pop in with a mini lesson when we get to a prompt like, "High key" or "fill the frame.") It's fun to push yourself, and I love these prompts, but the best part? Seeing all of your photos and how supportive everyone is of each other. I lovelovelove that!

Can't wait to see you guys on Friday!