five things, may 2

1. I think some weeks I just run out of things to say. Sometimes the work of just getting through the days is tricky enough, leaving little time for reflection. And reflection is what I'm best at! I'm in a place at the moment where it feels like every step I'm taking, from parenting to photography, is just wrong. Right now I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't just chill the hell out with a nice glass of rose´.

2. I think I really loved this article that I found on Lightstalking this week. Seven habits of talented photographers. I'm definitely managing a few of these but not all, so maybe it's time to get cracking.

3. I think another compelling read for me this week has been Petra's blog. I haven't had nearly enough time to comment on all the fascinating writing she's doing there, from her list of questions to musing on authenticity, but each time I go, I leave thinking and that's a good thing. I don't really have much to add on this conversation about authenticity, I don't think. Petra is way ahead of me on that curve. I've struggled with this myself lately, and felt some challenges to my own integrity and work, but I tend to be a "keep your head down kind of person," so that's where we are. Me, keeping my head down.

4. I think I'm needing to work on a better schedule for myself. What are your day-to-days like? Do you have a good routine that you like? Mine's okay...but a bit haphazard and I'm feeling the need to get more done. How do people do that? (wink)

5. I think I can't even begin to tell you how very much I have loved hanging with all of you during #perception_collection on Instagram. Seriously. Seeing your pictures show up in my feed, and even better, seeing you like and encourage each other, well, that made my heart sing. We have another challenge in the works for late June, and in the meantime, Christine and I will be featuring recaps on our blogs on Monday. I'm filled with joy and gratitude over your response. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.