weekend lookback, july 21
Row 1: Neel's garden comes inside | Lucy sneaks a snuggle in the sofa | Twilight time | Row 2. Traffic on the river | Neighborhood bounty
Huh. It's pretty funny to me that there are no pictures here of our bathroom, considering that's where we spent most of the weekend. We had our final walk through with our contractor on Friday, but there are tons of fiddly bits left, so it's no where near done. And it's not the fun fiddly bits, either like pretty soap holders and candles. It's painting trim and patching holes. If we don't frost a widow, we'll be looking right into our neighbor's sun porch as we shower. Or they'll be looking at us. The same neighbor who brought us the pickles. These parts take the longest, don't they?
I spent most of yesterday working on my class for this week and the camp I'm teaching, and I came upstairs to finding Neel painting the ceiling. When I asked how it was going he said, "I hate it."
I still have to finish painting the trim.
These days are the longest. The sweeping plans of a big project are the fun parts. Let's remodel the bathroom! You get an idea in your head and move forward with it. We can have a tub instead! We can get rid of the ugly tile! Soon you're mired down in the difficult decisions. This tub won't fit. They don't make a vanity in the right size for our space. By the end, it feels as if it will never get done and you're ready to move back in even though the window only has one coat of paint and the trim just has primer. I'm trying to avoid doing this. (But we all want to use the new shower.
I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere, but I don't really care. I just want my vitamins, my toothbrush and my face cleanser all in the same room. Too much to ask?