{still + life} 365 :: jan 1-8
Winter Beach | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Berry Up | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Christmas Bed | Apple iPhone
Late-day light | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Forlorn Bouquet | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Winter White | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Winter Sunrise | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Hot spot | Fuji X-E2, 35 mm
Well. (Heaves sigh) I just don't know what to do about this whole 365 business. I've done two now, and I've been uncertain how to proceed for weeks. But it's 2015, people. I need to make some decisions. Part of my goal for photography for the coming year is to shoot more intentionally, and that means not firing off a shot just to fulfill a quota to get a picture a day for a year.
However, I find myself an admin of a 365 group on Facebook, and I have yet to post one shot! And then there's the film. I can go back and incorporate my film shots in to last year's 365, and I probably should. Should probably do it going forward too. But: tired. So clearly there's something going on here. Something at work in the hesitation as I try to suss things out.
I don't mean for this to be a giant therapy session, so I'll just continue to stew silently. (Hashtag: navalgazing. Hashtag: FirstWorldProblems. Hashtag: SelfAbsorbedBeyondCompare.) And in the meantime, I think I'll just keep shooting until I figure it all out. And honestly, doesn't Thea and the heater need a whole post to herself. Sweet Corgi.