weekend recap, september 16
1. best meeting ever | 2. meet zoey | 3. friday night workout | 4. gorgeous gifts | 5. glorious color | 6. meal prep | 7. cheater's aioli | 8. figs | 9. backyard evening | 10. autumn morning | 11. unexpected treasure | 12. sleeping rearrangement | 13. lunch | 14. reward | 15. back with the figs
If this weekend is any indication, autumn is here. All our windows are open, the air is crystal clear and the sky a blue so blue you feel you eyes have never seen such a color. These are the days.
Since Neel and I were good and went to our work out on Friday night, I played with food all day on Saturday. It was fun to be in the studio with my camera. I didn't have any major breakthroughs, but sometimes you don't need that. Sometimes peace comes in the slow and steady pace of what feels familiar.
Neel and I sat outside for a long time Sunday morning. It was cool and clear. Just beautiful. All plans I did have for the day went out the widow once I (opened them) just decided to try and see if two twin bed would fit side-by-side in the guest room. It's tight, but it totally works. So now Callum's favorite bed in the house is now in his room, and the guest room is almost ready for occupants again. Win.
So that was the weekend. New(ish) bed. Some fresh produce and a lot of football. It is autumn after all. And now I'm going to take a little breath. There are some things that need attention around here, so I'm going to take a bit of a break from the blog. I'll be back on Friday (with lots of deep thoughts, I'm sure), but other than that I think there'll be some radio silence in these parts. For this week for sure, and maybe next.
That peace I found in the studio on Saturday? I need more of that. I'm hoping that by checking out a little I can find it. Love you guys. I know you understand.