weekend lookback, july 28
Row 1: Last day of camp | Summer storms moving in | New bathroom; Row 2: Summer supper
I'm so glad you guys still read on Fridays! Petra's right though, blogland has been quiet of late. I think the natural rhythm of summer (for those of us who are summer-hemisphered) is to blame, but I'm a big culprit all by myself. With work and fatigue and summer skies calling, well, it's easy to let the days slip past, isn't it? Maybe that's what summer is all about.
My week of camp was awesome. On Friday all the kids printed their favorite pictures for the Art Camp show which runs late next month. I'm beyond thrilled for them. Super impressed with the work they came up with. Everyone seemed to learn some stuff and have a good time, which was the ultimate goal, right? I was sad to see them go.
But! My bathroom is done! I showered in it last night (waving to Father Mike from over the top of the frosted window), and I pretty much want to spend all my time in there. It really does have the best light in the whole house so you can expect a lot of photos out of that room. Except food. Maybe.