weekend recap, september 30
1. Friday meeting | 2. September sky | 3. Fire pit meeting | 4. Starting pitcher | 5. Ballpark food | 6. At bat | 7. Beagle on board | | 8. Black & White Beach | 9. Blowing in the wind | 10. Windowsill herbs | 11. Tiny project | 12. Seeds | 13. Autumn leaves | 14. Kitchen witchcraft | 15. Football food
Well hello there lovelies! I've missed you guys. Even though I posted on Friday, it feels like it's been forever, doesn't it? And about Friday. I want to thank you all, so much, for your thoughtful words of support about my classes. Through your emails and comments and the dear friends I have here, I really do feel lifted up and well, okay. That it's not personal. That I just keep plugging, and we'll see. Teaching classes like these is one of my life-long dreams, so I'll keep putting myself out there and trying. Someday it has to work out, right?
But enough about that? We had a B.U.S.Y. weekend. Lordy. A hangout with our neighbors and the first fire pit of the season on Friday is one of the many, many reasons why I love fall so very much. The chill in the air, and the smell of wood smoke permeating our clothes. It's so easy to lose track of time completely. But we were up and at it early for a double header on Saturday. YIKES! That's a glorious amount of baseball.
Fall baseball is the instructional league, and every kid gets a chance to try something new or get better at different positions. It doesn't mean they don't want to win, but winning is almost secondary to learning at this time of year. Almost. Still, let me just say that it did not help the headache I already had to learn that Cal would start as pitcher in our first game.
I gotta say, he held it together better than I did, and he was throwing some good pitches (especially given the fact that he hadn't pitched in about two years), but it was HARD to watch. Let's just say I was glad to see him back at 3rd where he's much more comfortable. I'm proud of the poise he showed.
We took Lucy back to the beach early Sunday morning. Cal was at a sleepover and when we picked him up, he asked, "Did she get in the water?"
"Good girl!" he said, rubbing her head.
"One paw."
Poor Lucy. Still, there's so much to sniff there, her nose is constantly covered in sand!
And as always, I'm having fun taking pictures. I'm working on a couple of projects right now. Photo #11 (above) is part of one that I just started with a couple of friends in my Thursday Morning Photography Group (now on Fridays). We're playing on Instagram, and after we get a few rounds under our belts (that shot was the first), I'll fill you in on the details. I've also been having fun continuing to play with black and white, both on Instagram and with my big camera. I'll share some shots and thoughts on that tomorrow.
I guess when I get stuck thinking about these classes, I need to just get my camera in my hand. My photo meetings are so good, and so inspiring. Those are the things I need to remember. It's about the photographs and honing my skills and pushing myself creatively. If I keep doing that, the rest will come. That's what faith's all about, I suppose