five things, march 28
eryngium, sapphire blue
1. I think the weather has been criminal to poor Cal's baseball schedule. He's missed one game on one team and is likely to miss another on Saturday (rain). His school team was meant to play game #5 on Wednesday. Canceled due to rain. They've had ONE game so far. Hard to get your at-bats in a rhythm when there are no at-bats. I love the snow, but I'm ready for some warm.
2. I think I totally should have saved that photo of Cal's "bruised' face for April Fool's Day! When I picked him up at school and saw it, I knew he had to be okay or they would have called. Plus, the bruises looked a day or two old. Neel fell for it hook line and sinker. It was great. I'm sorry if I worried you, but I really just wanted to show off what a great job his teacher did. He hated to take it off.
3. I think I've tried to change my approach to, oh, LIFE this week. In two cases I've leaped where I usually linger (one case took a bit more teeth gnashing, but a lot less than my normal amount) and tried to take advantage of opportunities that have stared me in the face. I have to do something, right? I commented on Facebook that "over thinking was my specialty," and one of my oldest friends pointed out that instead of over thinking we should call it "thoughtfully considering." I love that, but I can "thoughtfully consider" myself until I'm completely frozen, unable to make decisions until they pass me by. I need to trust my instincts more, I think. Or try to.
4. I think one of the best moments of my week was when I was both texting AND emailing a friend of mine at the same time. How crazytown is that? We were having basically the same conversation, but not quite. Somethings just need different technology, I guess.
5. I think I'm thrilled to announce that Ditch Your Gear, the iPhone/camera phone class that I teach with my friend Kim at MOCA, is back by popular demand! We've just added it to the spring docket, so the dates are still being worked out. I'll post them as soon as I know them. In the meantime, if you're local and are interested in brushing up on your blogging or in starting a blog, I'm teaching a class on that too. Head to the MOCA site for details.