perception_collection, part two
Row 1, Simple: bavardises, beemer123, delyndaw; Row2, Leading Lines: tdsuth, tempisfugitrapidus, cherylsorg; Row 3, Distortion: jenni_429, so_happy_hearted; lizz622; Row 4, Repetition: homestilo, surfnsteph, algbeyer; Row 5, Shadow: atha_94,mawlovesbsd, bodaciousbread; Row 6, Boundless: chris_coco_olsen; loisaidanest, plumedpdx; Row 7, Morning: dawnpearcy, annacgunn, greenwithrenvy
Row 1, Home: expectjoy1111, homestilo, mjkeim; Row 2, Beyond: imagine1impossible, islachicashoots, likewantneed; Row 3, 3PM: cherylsorg, kjmrichards, greenwithrenvy; Row 4, Look Up: maggiemuses, bedsidedesign, surfnsteph; Row 5, Decay: living_in40, nmsullivan0909, liflandonlocation; Row 6, Neon: macfilipe, tkreisky, beemer123; Row 7, Treasure: annacgunn, shalaghhogan, dawnpearcey
Oh, #perception_collection, how I love you. As I look at these beautiful photos, I'm struck as much by the lovely photographers I left out of these grids as I am by the photos I showcased here. whateverislovelier, cuelifephoto, pensezvous, hedgerowgeneral, _fauzita_, idreamofchairs, we_are_blessed, sandrat212, so many others, you all captured such amazing images and made our two weeks such a delight. I'm struck each time, that it more than just the prompts and how we each interpret them, but how we all connect here together and support each other. I've had several of you ask about other challenges and prompts, and if you check back here on Monday, I'll detail some of the ones I check in on regularly. I love a good prompt to get my creative juices flowing, but in the meantime, all I can say is thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Christine and I are so completely touched by all of you.